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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Voting Eligibility Requirements - What If..?

What if you were required to perform these tasks
to be "voter-certified"!

Would you be voting in the next election?
  • Write a 2,000-word essay detailing your life's accomplishments and failures. (classroom)
  • Attend a 20 clock-hr classroom study and pass test on the Constitution of the United States (classroom)
  • Perform 30 clock-hours of Community Service
  • Write a 1,000-word essay explaining the various political parties and what makes them unique. (classroom)
  • Pass a test of general questions about each candidate and his/her political history on the ballot - (classroom)
  • Pass a 100-question test on the difference between Democracy and Bureaucracy (classroom)
  • Pass a 100-question test on congressional/presidential duties (classroom)
Although we won't have to deal with this in the near future, I believe we all agree that we should!  Millions of voters are ignorant of what they're even voting for. A high percentage of the politically-ignorant voters can't read, write, perform basic math skills such as making change; but yet, we're counting their votes.
    In the last Presidential election, many voted for the current President because of his skin color.  Many thought as President, he'd be rich (like a king) and would pay all their bills; and they've been disappointed.  These people don't even know what the "PURSUIT of Happiness" even means.

    Many voted for a particular party; because of personal tradition, laziness, or social/peer pressure.

    At the age of 18, we have the freedom to register and vote. We're not required to perform classroom activities, take tests or even know how to read or write.  We can still vote.

    Until Congress wakes up and takes the voting process more seriously; we will continually be "We the Ignorant People" of the United States. And this isn't a "ME" We....this is a "YOU and ME" We!

    You were born with the power to succeed...and...you have the responsibility to make it happen.

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