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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hooray for the Red, White and.....GREEN???

I'd like to begin by saying I'm not prejudiced against any skin color or nationality.  I am, however, prejudiced against cultural behavior which directly defies the laws of this country and/or creates a rift within the borders of America. I'm referring to legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and American-born citizens who bully others or plays the "reverse-racism" game in order to achieve their agenda and/or to gain power over other Americans.

If you support a group of people showing their contempt for American Law by hoisting another  country's flag above the US flag; then you may as well share the guilt too.  This is called "Committing Treachery" against the United States of America.  This means you have defied your allegiance to the United States.

On the same level - I didn't realize until 2008 that the Black Americans had their own version of a national anthem.  "Lift Every Voice and Sing" has been referred to as the "Negro National Anthem", The "Black National Anthem" and the "African American National Anthem" since 1919 when the NAACP adopted it as such.  When sung as a group for the specifics of celebrating their heritage; I wholly support this behavior and this song.  All races and nationalities should be able to honor their heritage as long as it is done with respect and harms no one physically, financially or legally.

In 2008, an MC announced that "Rene Marie - Jazz Artist" was going to present the "Star Spangled Banner".  Without saying anything to the contrary, the artist stood in front of national cameras and sang the "Black National Anthem".  Hello?  America has set forth an official National Anthem.  The woman may as well have stomped on all that Dr. Martin Luther King stood for.  She single-handedly introduced reverse-racism upon the entire audience.  Read Story Here

While this woman apologized and stated she meant no harm; I don't believe it.  She was specifically asked to sing the Star-Spangled Banner.  This caused much controversy among Americans for a few  reasons.  In one fell swoop, she: (1) showed contempt for America as a whole nation (2) placed a racially-based song above one of the Nation's most highly regarded symbols and (3) She did not sing the Star-Spangled Banner first. (4)  She had not received prior permission to perform the song.

America has been the melting pot for centuries.  All Black-Americans aren't necessarily African-Americans.  All African-Americans didn't necessarily have ancestors who were slaves; and slaves weren't necessarily all black or from Africa.  All White-Americans weren't necessarily slave-owners; All White Americans weren't necessarily approving of slavery.

Slave-labor had been used since the dawn of time.  African tribes also played a part in American and European slavery.  They sold their own people to slavers.  History shows they didn't know their people would be life-long slaves.  They believed it would be business as usual - meaning that after a certain time; the slave would be freed.

NO ONE should be held accountable for something they did not do in the first place.  The slave-owners and their slaves are long gone.  The Constitution declares everyone "equal"; so Let it Go!! "Black" is not a nationality!  Stop encouraging race-based groups, race-based TV, race-based music and race-based politics.  That flag doesn't fly anymore!

America has over 300 million citizens and 11 million illegal immigrants.  But we live under one National Flag and 50 State flags, one Pledge of Allegiance, one National Bird and one National Anthem .  These symbols of America make up our foundation, our roof and our walls!  We don't need any others.

Hooray for the Red, White and BLUE!!


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