Political Bumper Stickers - Click Picture

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

America! It's All about ME!

Do you remember when the U.S. was "US"?  I don't!  I've just read about it in the history books!


America! It's All about ME!
  • I'm  a Christian - I'm entitled to prayer in school!
  • I'm Atheist - I'm entitled to not see or hear "God" in the pledge of Allegiance!
  • I'm Gay - I want to marry my partner
  • I'm from another country - I want my former flag displayed!
  • I'm a Prisoner - I want to have more freedoms!
  • I'm Muslim - I want Sharia Law & I demand prayer in public school!
  • I'm Rich - I'm entitled to tax breaks because I earned it!
  • I'm Poor - I'm entitled to money and medical care from the Govt!
  • I'm Demanding! I want everyone to conform to all of my opinions and beliefs!
  • I'm an American - I'm entitled to freedom of anything I desire; but you aren't!
  • I'm a Politician - I'm entitled to fulfill my own agenda!
  • I'm a Union official - I'm entitled to members dues and I want total control!
  • I'm a Business Owner - I'm entitled to tax breaks!
  • I'm a Drug User - I want my drugs legalized!
  • I'm a Child - I want a free pass for my lemonade stand!
  • I'm a Non-profit Business - I'm entitled to be tax exempt!
  • I'm a Journalist - I can report anything!
  • I'm an Illegal Immigrant - I'm entitled to a job and govt benefits!
  • I'm a convicted criminal - I'm entitled to appeals!
  • I'm pregnant - I'm entitled to make my decisions! 
...and the list goes on!

The American "ME" attitude will most likely accelerate; and with it, will come more crime, more hatred, more impatience, more intolerance, more Government Control, revolution,...all against each other!! And finally...will come Self-Destruction!!

Aren't ME a Great Nation?

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