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Saturday, September 24, 2011

An Open Letter to Morgan Freeman

I sincerely believed Morgan Freeman was a lot smarter than what he's putting out there now. When he gave his little chat session with Piers Morgan, the Oscar-winning actor also blamed the Tea Party saying they're "going to do whatever [they] can to get this black man outta here.”

Dear Mr. Freeman:
Really, Mr. Freeman? What part of "Taking Back our country from an out-of control-government" is racist? 

You want to start a racial sparring event?  Ok. Put on your gloves and let's go a round.

A famous song I regularly sang in church
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Mr. Freeman, of all the people listed in the lyrics above; only one has a current establishment of several race-oriented organizations within the United States.  Only one of those people has created its own race-oriented national anthem of which they've actually performed instead of the Star Spangled Banner at official gatherings.  Only one of the people in the above song has been classified as "exempt" from being federally charged with "a crime against white people". This happened with the Black Panthers who have made threats of bodily harm against "whites".  I'm referring to the "Black" people mentioned in the song. 

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) While the NAACP (of the past) has helped to achieve a more equality and education for the minority; in the present day, it has done more to encourage "hate" between races by creating issues out of thin air. 

BET - Black Entertainment Television - What?  Are the regular TV and movie channels not good enough?  I mean...really?  Why was this channel created?  Some of the best movies made have mixed races and wonderful actors in them...of all races! I could just see it now!  If Whites created a race-oriented channel; we'd never live it down.  The NAACP would be all over it declaring "civil right violations"! Want to throw away the race card?  This isn't the way to go about it!

Trinity United Church of Christ - Rev. Jeremiah Wright has been creating absolute hatred of white people; when it was the white Republicans who helped free the slaves and pushed for equal rights along with Rev. Martin Luther King; because, frankly, the black person didn't have much of a voice when it came to "civil rights". President Obama attended this racial-hate-oriented church for 20 years!  What does that make of his personal feelings?

If people in general are looking for handouts; then they're limiting their own abilities; and the government has enticed them with these handouts.  In the case of welfare recipients; fact is fact - the blacks claim a majority of recipients. You've proven all of this yourself.  Bill Cosby has even said it - over and over again!

All children in the United States have an equal opportunity to get an education...even if it means to home-school them to ensure their child's chance to learn. You were the star of the movie, "Lean on Me" (based on a true story) which shows the exact reasons that inner-city schoolkids (of all color - but mostly black students) are uneducated - lazy teachers, lazy parents, thugs on the street, drug usage, etc.  The school principal took a school of drop-outs, low self-esteem and failings and turned it into a school full of children who wanted more out of life!  

That had nothing to do with race!  It was all about getting parents, teachers and the child involved in succeeding in school and in life!  The principal made the students account for their own fate and success!  Were you wrongfully placed to portray Joe Clark?  Did you not take notes?  Were you just in it for the money?  I actually thought you were great in that movie!  I've seen it many times; and it actually makes me feel sad for Mr. Clark who got the shaft (by a black lady, no less)

Now, for your lesson.  Pay attention here!  Millions of Americans (who voted for President Obama) never voted before in their lifetime; but yet, they've been eligible for many years. There were 10,000,000 more black voters in 2008 than in 2004 while the white voters stayed consistent.  Now, why is that?

Thousands of people made statements at the time of his inauguration of "Now, it's time for the black man to rule!" and "President Obama's going to pay my bills!"

And you, Sir, believe that the Tea Party wants Obama out because he's black? How about this?  The Tea Party consists of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents of all races and religions.  They don't give a rat's ass about skin color - but they do acknowledge a racial war going on...the only problem is...it's a reverse-racial war.

Black Conservatives and Tea Party members are being threatened, harassed and called Uncle Toms by their own race!  All they want is a better America for everyone!  They want all people to take responsibility for themselves and stop believing they "deserve" handouts.  They want ALL Americans to utilize their brains and talents to achieve goals.

I'm considering voting for Herman Cain because of his credentials and his plan to take this country back to the Constitution...and to get rid of the corruption...not because of the color of his skin, shoes or necktie!

I AM A MEMBER OF THE TEA PARTY EXPRESS!  Maybe you should attend a few rallies and talk to the members before you start playing the race card...that card's been played; and it only makes you look like a fool!


Aka: Mary Daye


See video of interview here:

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