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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From Nobody to "A Voice"

I'm virtually a "nobody" when it comes to voicing my opinion of how America needs to get it together!  Oh, I could easily blame our Government like everyone else does; but that would be way too easy!

Our government has run this country into the ground because the American people have allowed it to happen.  Do you remember 20 years ago when George H.W. Bush was President of the U.S? The big news of the day for the sleeping America was when Kuwait was invaded.  Our troops were rushed in to protect US interest! After Iraqi forces retreated; the American people went back to sleep.

In a previous post of "America, It's All About Me"  I noted that people can't look beyond their own special interests.  They want to remove everyone else's rights but keep their own.  Ok..."Stupid and Self-Centered" come to mind.

Living with Lobbyists 

Are your representatives listening to you about your needs...or are they wheeling and dealing with Lobbyists on special interest's behalf?  Our Constitution demands that these people in our local, state and federal government are supposed to represent us...they are our voice!  While a few lobbyists have a sincere desire to pass a law to protect their own interests; they're deciding what's good for everyone. We all know that's a pile of Bovine Excrement!

Many lobbyists make more money than the President of the United States.  Corporations and special interest groups pay millions of dollars to lobbying companies to get them the desired results...and if they don't get what they want...they'll turn to really drastic measures...and they'll quietly replace staff members within the White House.

I don't care how you slice it - This is wrong in every meaning of the word!  We don't need Government staff workers being placed in position by any special interest groups. This makes for an unbalanced system (which goes against the Constitution)

Now You're Getting to Know Me!

Now that we're past the formal introductions, you will get to know me more than you really want to!  I will be passing on others' posts while giving my own opinion.  I will be sharing my ideas of how to turn this country's attitude into something we can all live with.  But I'm bringing something really valuable to the table!  I'm bringing Common Sense! 

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