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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Herman Cain - From the Real Side of Life!

America doesn't need a politician who's involved in our personal business...We need a personal businessman who's involved in America!      - Aka: Mary Daye

taken from his campaign website

Herman Cain grew up in Atlanta, Georgia with loving parents and little else. His father worked three jobs—as a janitor, a barber and a chauffeur—and his mother was a domestic worker. Even though these jobs required hard work and little glamour, his parents knew this life was better than the dirt farms upon which they grew up. They also knew that this hard work was the key to achieving their American Dreams.

Herman’s parents had two dreams. First, they wanted to own their own house. Secondly, they wanted both of their children to graduate from college. During the segregation era in the Deep South, these aspirations might have seemed lofty, but they knew that if they kept their faith in God, faith in themselves and faith in the greatest country on the Earth, they could achieve.

The first dream was realized in a modest brick house on Albert Street in Atlanta, Georgia. After years of saving from his many jobs, Herman’s father surprised the whole family, even his wife, by purchasing a home for their family. The second dream was realized when Herman graduated from Morehouse College with a degree in mathematics in 1967. His brother, Thurman, would go on to graduate from Morris Brown College.

Inspired by the work ethic and character of his parents, Herman continued his education by earning his Master’s degree in computer science from Purdue University while working full-time developing fire control systems for ships and fighter planes for the Department of the Navy. Though Herman enjoyed using his talents as a civilian employee for the Navy, he gravitated towards the culture of business.

Herman returned to his home of Atlanta to begin working as a computer systems analyst for the Coca-Cola Company. After considerable success at Coca-Cola, he moved to the Pillsbury Company. Within a short period of time, Herman rose to position of Vice President. Although the comforts of a corner office on the 31st floor of a majestic corporate building seemed satisfying, Herman knew that he needed a challenge.

He became the regional vice president of Pillsbury’s Burger King division. This meant starting from the “ground up,” dodging grease fires and broiling hamburgers. Herman was assigned to lead a low performing region of 450 of their restaurants. Within three years, it became the best performing region in the company.

Energized by overcoming the many obstacles of his job at Burger King, Herman took on the biggest challenge of his career. He accepted the call to become the President and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, a company that was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. In just 14 months, Herman returned Godfather’s to profitability and he led his management team to a buyout of the company.

His professional successes garnered the respect and admiration of industry peers who named him the President of the National Restaurant Association. Under Herman’s administration, the group grew significantly and began to lobby for the interests of America’s restaurateurs and small business owners.

In 1994, as head of the National Restaurant Association, he had the opportunity to speak with President Clinton during a nationally televised town hall meeting. Here, Herman challenged the President regarding the impact on businesses if his health care overhaul proposal were passed. President Clinton attempted to assure him and the millions of viewers watching at home that his legislation would not harm American business owners and their employees.

Herman was skeptical. “Quite honestly Mr. President, your calculations are incorrect,” he said. “In the competitive marketplace, it simply doesn’t work that way.” His words echoed across America, and Newsweek named Herman Cain the primary saboteur of Hillarycare.

Through these and other appearances on behalf of the National Restaurant Association, Herman began working with business leaders across all sectors of the American economy. This led to his acceptance of a position on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and he was subsequently elected their chairman. In this role, he analyzed economic conditions in the region and notified the Federal Reserve of how their policies should respond.

Most recently, he hosted a radio talk show, “The Herman Cain Show,” on Atlanta’s WSB 750 AM/ 95.5 FM. He serves as a regular contributor on several broadcast networks and as a keynote speaker at conferences and events around the nation.

Despite the many professional commitments of his life, Herman continues to enjoy most the time spent with family and friends. As his children got married and had their own children, he knew that he had an extraordinary obligation to do what he could to make this a safe and prosperous nation for them. The paramount joys in his life are his wife, Gloria, his children and his grandchildren.

Learn more about Herman Cain at:  T.H.E New Voice 


Saturday, September 24, 2011

An Open Letter to Morgan Freeman

I sincerely believed Morgan Freeman was a lot smarter than what he's putting out there now. When he gave his little chat session with Piers Morgan, the Oscar-winning actor also blamed the Tea Party saying they're "going to do whatever [they] can to get this black man outta here.”

Dear Mr. Freeman:
Really, Mr. Freeman? What part of "Taking Back our country from an out-of control-government" is racist? 

You want to start a racial sparring event?  Ok. Put on your gloves and let's go a round.

A famous song I regularly sang in church
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Mr. Freeman, of all the people listed in the lyrics above; only one has a current establishment of several race-oriented organizations within the United States.  Only one of those people has created its own race-oriented national anthem of which they've actually performed instead of the Star Spangled Banner at official gatherings.  Only one of the people in the above song has been classified as "exempt" from being federally charged with "a crime against white people". This happened with the Black Panthers who have made threats of bodily harm against "whites".  I'm referring to the "Black" people mentioned in the song. 

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) While the NAACP (of the past) has helped to achieve a more equality and education for the minority; in the present day, it has done more to encourage "hate" between races by creating issues out of thin air. 

BET - Black Entertainment Television - What?  Are the regular TV and movie channels not good enough?  I mean...really?  Why was this channel created?  Some of the best movies made have mixed races and wonderful actors in them...of all races! I could just see it now!  If Whites created a race-oriented channel; we'd never live it down.  The NAACP would be all over it declaring "civil right violations"! Want to throw away the race card?  This isn't the way to go about it!

Trinity United Church of Christ - Rev. Jeremiah Wright has been creating absolute hatred of white people; when it was the white Republicans who helped free the slaves and pushed for equal rights along with Rev. Martin Luther King; because, frankly, the black person didn't have much of a voice when it came to "civil rights". President Obama attended this racial-hate-oriented church for 20 years!  What does that make of his personal feelings?

If people in general are looking for handouts; then they're limiting their own abilities; and the government has enticed them with these handouts.  In the case of welfare recipients; fact is fact - the blacks claim a majority of recipients. You've proven all of this yourself.  Bill Cosby has even said it - over and over again!

All children in the United States have an equal opportunity to get an education...even if it means to home-school them to ensure their child's chance to learn. You were the star of the movie, "Lean on Me" (based on a true story) which shows the exact reasons that inner-city schoolkids (of all color - but mostly black students) are uneducated - lazy teachers, lazy parents, thugs on the street, drug usage, etc.  The school principal took a school of drop-outs, low self-esteem and failings and turned it into a school full of children who wanted more out of life!  

That had nothing to do with race!  It was all about getting parents, teachers and the child involved in succeeding in school and in life!  The principal made the students account for their own fate and success!  Were you wrongfully placed to portray Joe Clark?  Did you not take notes?  Were you just in it for the money?  I actually thought you were great in that movie!  I've seen it many times; and it actually makes me feel sad for Mr. Clark who got the shaft (by a black lady, no less)

Now, for your lesson.  Pay attention here!  Millions of Americans (who voted for President Obama) never voted before in their lifetime; but yet, they've been eligible for many years. There were 10,000,000 more black voters in 2008 than in 2004 while the white voters stayed consistent.  Now, why is that?

Thousands of people made statements at the time of his inauguration of "Now, it's time for the black man to rule!" and "President Obama's going to pay my bills!"

And you, Sir, believe that the Tea Party wants Obama out because he's black? How about this?  The Tea Party consists of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents of all races and religions.  They don't give a rat's ass about skin color - but they do acknowledge a racial war going on...the only problem is...it's a reverse-racial war.

Black Conservatives and Tea Party members are being threatened, harassed and called Uncle Toms by their own race!  All they want is a better America for everyone!  They want all people to take responsibility for themselves and stop believing they "deserve" handouts.  They want ALL Americans to utilize their brains and talents to achieve goals.

I'm considering voting for Herman Cain because of his credentials and his plan to take this country back to the Constitution...and to get rid of the corruption...not because of the color of his skin, shoes or necktie!

I AM A MEMBER OF THE TEA PARTY EXPRESS!  Maybe you should attend a few rallies and talk to the members before you start playing the race card...that card's been played; and it only makes you look like a fool!


Aka: Mary Daye


See video of interview here:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

OIL---You'd better be sitting down when you read this!

"As you know Cruz Construction started a division in North Dakota just 6 months ago.  They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) we had here in Alaska to North Dakota along with several drivers.  They just bought two new Kenworth's to add to that fleet; one being a Tri Drive tractor and a new 65 ton lowboy to go with it.  They also bought two new cranes (one crawler & one rubber-tired) for that division.  Dave Cruz said they have moved more rigs in the last 6 months into ND than Cruz Construction moved in Alaska in the last 6 years.  Williston is like a gold rush town; they moved one of our 40 man camps down there since there are no rooms available.  Unemployment in ND is the lowest in the nation at 3.4 percent last I checked.  See anything in the national news about how  the oil industry is fueling North Dakota's economy?"  - Rodger Nelson


OIL---You'd better be sitting down when you read this!
You "will" pay $5 a gallon + again, and you won't complain loud enough to make a difference, RIGHT!
Here's an astonishing read.  Important and verifiable information   : 
About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer;  how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground?"  Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."
Please read below. 
The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big.  It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana ...... check THIS out: 
The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $ 5 3 trillion. 
"When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst. 
"This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette .  It's a formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.'  It stretches from Northern Montana , through North Dakota and into Canada .  For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end.  Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago.. However, a recent technological breakthrough has  opened up the Bakken's massive reserves..... and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels.  And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL! 
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight.  And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from 2006! 
U.. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World 
Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006 
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels.  On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this mother lode of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling? 
They reported this stunning news:  We have more oil  inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.. Here are the official estimates: 
- 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia 
- 18-times as much oil as Iraq
- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait 
- 22-times as much oil as Iran 
- 500-times as much oil as Yemen 
- and it's all right here in the Western United States . 
HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy.....WHY? 
James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped.  That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports  The Denver Post .
Got your attention yet?  Now, while you're thinking about it, do this: 
Pass this along.   If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices - by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain.  
Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to everyone in your address book.
  By the way...this is all true. Check it out at the link below!!!
GOOGLE it, or follow this link.  It will blow your mind.
Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price - even with this find?  Think again about the competitive marketplace - it has to. Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?  Duh!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hooray for the Red, White and.....GREEN???

I'd like to begin by saying I'm not prejudiced against any skin color or nationality.  I am, however, prejudiced against cultural behavior which directly defies the laws of this country and/or creates a rift within the borders of America. I'm referring to legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and American-born citizens who bully others or plays the "reverse-racism" game in order to achieve their agenda and/or to gain power over other Americans.

If you support a group of people showing their contempt for American Law by hoisting another  country's flag above the US flag; then you may as well share the guilt too.  This is called "Committing Treachery" against the United States of America.  This means you have defied your allegiance to the United States.

On the same level - I didn't realize until 2008 that the Black Americans had their own version of a national anthem.  "Lift Every Voice and Sing" has been referred to as the "Negro National Anthem", The "Black National Anthem" and the "African American National Anthem" since 1919 when the NAACP adopted it as such.  When sung as a group for the specifics of celebrating their heritage; I wholly support this behavior and this song.  All races and nationalities should be able to honor their heritage as long as it is done with respect and harms no one physically, financially or legally.

In 2008, an MC announced that "Rene Marie - Jazz Artist" was going to present the "Star Spangled Banner".  Without saying anything to the contrary, the artist stood in front of national cameras and sang the "Black National Anthem".  Hello?  America has set forth an official National Anthem.  The woman may as well have stomped on all that Dr. Martin Luther King stood for.  She single-handedly introduced reverse-racism upon the entire audience.  Read Story Here

While this woman apologized and stated she meant no harm; I don't believe it.  She was specifically asked to sing the Star-Spangled Banner.  This caused much controversy among Americans for a few  reasons.  In one fell swoop, she: (1) showed contempt for America as a whole nation (2) placed a racially-based song above one of the Nation's most highly regarded symbols and (3) She did not sing the Star-Spangled Banner first. (4)  She had not received prior permission to perform the song.

America has been the melting pot for centuries.  All Black-Americans aren't necessarily African-Americans.  All African-Americans didn't necessarily have ancestors who were slaves; and slaves weren't necessarily all black or from Africa.  All White-Americans weren't necessarily slave-owners; All White Americans weren't necessarily approving of slavery.

Slave-labor had been used since the dawn of time.  African tribes also played a part in American and European slavery.  They sold their own people to slavers.  History shows they didn't know their people would be life-long slaves.  They believed it would be business as usual - meaning that after a certain time; the slave would be freed.

NO ONE should be held accountable for something they did not do in the first place.  The slave-owners and their slaves are long gone.  The Constitution declares everyone "equal"; so Let it Go!! "Black" is not a nationality!  Stop encouraging race-based groups, race-based TV, race-based music and race-based politics.  That flag doesn't fly anymore!

America has over 300 million citizens and 11 million illegal immigrants.  But we live under one National Flag and 50 State flags, one Pledge of Allegiance, one National Bird and one National Anthem .  These symbols of America make up our foundation, our roof and our walls!  We don't need any others.

Hooray for the Red, White and BLUE!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

He's Not Livestock, He's Your Child!

The Rancher
A rancher knows how to raise a calf for a good return on his investment.  He knows that it’s good for a calf to be enjoying the pasture life.  Keeping cattle in the pasture helps them to exercise and build good muscle tone while eating the grass.  While this would be the ideal situation if these were mere pets, these aren’t pets - and they need more.  

A lean cow can make for a really tough steak. Just before the cattle are sent to market, the rancher brings them into the pen to be grain-fed and less active.  This helps to fatten them up while relaxing the muscle build-up so the meat will be a little more tender and juicy and make their coat shinier.  This will get them a better price at the auction...where it really matters.

The Juicy Steak
I’ve heard from those who like fat on their meat; and I know those who don’t want it anywhere near their plate.  They can’t stand to even look at it. Ironically, those who eat the fat - have problems with their own weight and/or their cholesterol.  Those who like their meat lean may or may not have health issues depending on the amount of meat they consume.

Don’t have a Cow!
Here’s the deal.  When a child is a young toddler; he’s usually determined to get from one place to another as quick as possible.  Did you ever wish you could bottle that energy he seems to be overloaded with? Actually, you can enjoy the same energy if you combine physical activity with a well-balanced diet. 

As you began adding solid food to his diet; you were most likely concerned with making it well-balanced.  You may have added a little green beans with some apricots and a piece of meat.  The whole time, you're coaxing and wooing  him into eating something that will make him "grow big and strong!"

While your child is in his formative years; you may introduce him to sports.  This is a great way to teach them many lessons in life - sportsmanship, team-playing, winning and defeat.  Many parents don’t encourage sports; but their child may still be eager to run around terrorizing the neighborhood.  They may choose to create a club or enjoy other outdoor activities with their friends.

This is about the time that the child decides he doesn't want his green beans; so you, the parent begin to “compromise”.  First of all, “compromising” isn’t in the parent or child’s job description.  You are the parent who lays down the rules; and your child is the one who obeys the rules.

If your child defies the rules, you are only one who should ultimately decide the fate from that defiance.  This is where parents are getting totally off the track.  If your rules come with a “compromise” clause; your child will be ready for the livestock sale in about 2 years...or less.

Your child has been active and is now a lean, mean monster machine.  Suddenly, it’s Christmas time, and he wants a video game-player.  Well, of course, “all the other kids” have one; and you’re not about to be showed up; so there you go - down the electronics aisle to "parental submission"!  

Of course, while I’m telling you this; you’re saying, “Oh no!  You’re misjudging me as a mother!  I’m not going to allow my child to sit in front of the TV for hours!”  Wanna bet on it?  You’ve just hired the new babysitter!

Now, you’re child has figured out that he can get other things his way!  He doesn’t want his green beans; and  beside from that, you’re tired from working all day; or it’s your day off; or you’re just not in the mood to cook...or you’ve decided to make the grave mistake of asking him an open-ended question...”What do you want for supper?”  Every now and then, that child will come up with a brilliant idea for his supper...but don’t count on it!  He’s going for the gold!  Pizza!

Remember when you were so careful to ensure your child ate a balanced meal?  Hamburger Helper doesn’t do it!  Pizza won’t get it!  Fast-food doesn’t get it either!  So instead of asking the open-ended question with a high-carbs hand-out...how about trying the “I can rest after dinner” attitude; and decide what you’re going to prepare for dinner.  You can also play the game with your child as “Choose A for Chicken or B for pork chops” option.

  • Born·  
  • Feed on Mother’s Milk
  • Run, play and eat natural foods in the pasture while young
  • Fatten up on grain with little activity
  • Sold on the Market

  • Born
  • Feed on Mother’s Milk or Natural Supplement
  • Run, play and eat wholesome foods while toddling
  • Fatten up on mostly carbs, fats and preservatives with little activity
  • Sorry, he can’t be sold; but instead, the real hard work just begins
  • Laziness is natural - can’t find a job
  • Costly eating habits - Costly wardrobe bill
  • May repeat the cycle with his own children  

Would you like a pound of fat with that?

One Pound of Human Body Fat
Remember that fat you see on your steak or pot roast?  Try putting that through surgery.  Suture won’t hold it together; therefore, obesity post-op can lead to hernias, slow-healing, evisceration and infection.

Call it propaganda if you want to...I really don’t care!  If you pork out your child; then you’re doing him an injustice that’s worse than sending him to the Slaughter-House! At least the slaughterhouse is quick and painless!

No, the government doesn't need to tell you how to raise your child; because you should be doing that already!!

From Nobody to "A Voice"

I'm virtually a "nobody" when it comes to voicing my opinion of how America needs to get it together!  Oh, I could easily blame our Government like everyone else does; but that would be way too easy!

Our government has run this country into the ground because the American people have allowed it to happen.  Do you remember 20 years ago when George H.W. Bush was President of the U.S? The big news of the day for the sleeping America was when Kuwait was invaded.  Our troops were rushed in to protect US interest! After Iraqi forces retreated; the American people went back to sleep.

In a previous post of "America, It's All About Me"  I noted that people can't look beyond their own special interests.  They want to remove everyone else's rights but keep their own.  Ok..."Stupid and Self-Centered" come to mind.

Living with Lobbyists 

Are your representatives listening to you about your needs...or are they wheeling and dealing with Lobbyists on special interest's behalf?  Our Constitution demands that these people in our local, state and federal government are supposed to represent us...they are our voice!  While a few lobbyists have a sincere desire to pass a law to protect their own interests; they're deciding what's good for everyone. We all know that's a pile of Bovine Excrement!

Many lobbyists make more money than the President of the United States.  Corporations and special interest groups pay millions of dollars to lobbying companies to get them the desired results...and if they don't get what they want...they'll turn to really drastic measures...and they'll quietly replace staff members within the White House.

I don't care how you slice it - This is wrong in every meaning of the word!  We don't need Government staff workers being placed in position by any special interest groups. This makes for an unbalanced system (which goes against the Constitution)

Now You're Getting to Know Me!

Now that we're past the formal introductions, you will get to know me more than you really want to!  I will be passing on others' posts while giving my own opinion.  I will be sharing my ideas of how to turn this country's attitude into something we can all live with.  But I'm bringing something really valuable to the table!  I'm bringing Common Sense! 

Voting Eligibility Requirements - What If..?

What if you were required to perform these tasks
to be "voter-certified"!

Would you be voting in the next election?
  • Write a 2,000-word essay detailing your life's accomplishments and failures. (classroom)
  • Attend a 20 clock-hr classroom study and pass test on the Constitution of the United States (classroom)
  • Perform 30 clock-hours of Community Service
  • Write a 1,000-word essay explaining the various political parties and what makes them unique. (classroom)
  • Pass a test of general questions about each candidate and his/her political history on the ballot - (classroom)
  • Pass a 100-question test on the difference between Democracy and Bureaucracy (classroom)
  • Pass a 100-question test on congressional/presidential duties (classroom)
Although we won't have to deal with this in the near future, I believe we all agree that we should!  Millions of voters are ignorant of what they're even voting for. A high percentage of the politically-ignorant voters can't read, write, perform basic math skills such as making change; but yet, we're counting their votes.
    In the last Presidential election, many voted for the current President because of his skin color.  Many thought as President, he'd be rich (like a king) and would pay all their bills; and they've been disappointed.  These people don't even know what the "PURSUIT of Happiness" even means.

    Many voted for a particular party; because of personal tradition, laziness, or social/peer pressure.

    At the age of 18, we have the freedom to register and vote. We're not required to perform classroom activities, take tests or even know how to read or write.  We can still vote.

    Until Congress wakes up and takes the voting process more seriously; we will continually be "We the Ignorant People" of the United States. And this isn't a "ME" We....this is a "YOU and ME" We!

    You were born with the power to succeed...and...you have the responsibility to make it happen.

    America! It's All about ME!

    Do you remember when the U.S. was "US"?  I don't!  I've just read about it in the history books!


    America! It's All about ME!
    • I'm  a Christian - I'm entitled to prayer in school!
    • I'm Atheist - I'm entitled to not see or hear "God" in the pledge of Allegiance!
    • I'm Gay - I want to marry my partner
    • I'm from another country - I want my former flag displayed!
    • I'm a Prisoner - I want to have more freedoms!
    • I'm Muslim - I want Sharia Law & I demand prayer in public school!
    • I'm Rich - I'm entitled to tax breaks because I earned it!
    • I'm Poor - I'm entitled to money and medical care from the Govt!
    • I'm Demanding! I want everyone to conform to all of my opinions and beliefs!
    • I'm an American - I'm entitled to freedom of anything I desire; but you aren't!
    • I'm a Politician - I'm entitled to fulfill my own agenda!
    • I'm a Union official - I'm entitled to members dues and I want total control!
    • I'm a Business Owner - I'm entitled to tax breaks!
    • I'm a Drug User - I want my drugs legalized!
    • I'm a Child - I want a free pass for my lemonade stand!
    • I'm a Non-profit Business - I'm entitled to be tax exempt!
    • I'm a Journalist - I can report anything!
    • I'm an Illegal Immigrant - I'm entitled to a job and govt benefits!
    • I'm a convicted criminal - I'm entitled to appeals!
    • I'm pregnant - I'm entitled to make my decisions! 
    ...and the list goes on!

    The American "ME" attitude will most likely accelerate; and with it, will come more crime, more hatred, more impatience, more intolerance, more Government Control, revolution,...all against each other!! And finally...will come Self-Destruction!!

    Aren't ME a Great Nation?

    A Simpler Explanation

    The folks, who are getting free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff, can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop. And the folks who are getting the free stuff, want even MORE free stuff on top of the free stuff they're already getting!

     Now... The people who are forcing the people who PAY for the free stuff, have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

     So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff, have been convinced they need to HATE the people who are PAYING for the free stuff by the people who are forcing the people who are PAYING for the free stuff and GIVING them the free stuff in the first place.

    (emailed to me: Author Unknown)